Including GMT plots in Sphinx

The extension defines the gmtplot directive that will execute the given GMT codes and insert the generated figure into the document.


The GMT codes may be included in one of two ways:

  1. A path to a source file as the argument to the directive:

    .. gmtplot:: path/to/
       Optional caption for the plot

    The source file name is usually relative to the current file’s path. However, if it is absolute (starting with /), it is relative to the top source directory.

    In this way, it will try to guess the script language from its file suffix. Supported suffixes are .sh, .bash and .py.

  2. Included as inline content to the directive:

    .. gmtplot::
        :language: bash
        # place GMT codes here
        gmt ...
        gmt ...
        gmt ...

    In this way, you have to let it know the script language by providing the :language: option.


The following RST code:

.. gmtplot::
    :language: bash
    :caption: Example showing how to include GMT figures with inline codes
    gmt grdmath -R-15/15/-15/15 -I0.3 X Y HYPOT DUP 2 MUL PI MUL 8 DIV COS EXCH NEG 10 DIV EXP MUL =
    gmt makecpt -C128 -T-5,5 -N > g.cpt
    gmt grdview -JX6i -JZ2i -B5 -Bz0.5 -BSEwnZ -N-1+gwhite -Qs -I+a225+nt0.75 -X1.5i \
        -Cg.cpt -R-15/15/-15/15/-1/1 -K -p120/30 > $ps
    echo "4.1 5.5 z(r) = cos (2@~p@~r/8) @~\327@~e@+-r/10@+" | gmt pstext -R0/11/0/8.5 -Jx1i \
            -F+f50p,ZapfChancery-MediumItalic+jBC -O >> $ps
    rm -f g.cpt

is executed by sphinx and turned into:
gmt grdmath -R-15/15/-15/15 -I0.3 X Y HYPOT DUP 2 MUL PI MUL 8 DIV COS EXCH NEG 10 DIV EXP MUL =
gmt makecpt -C128 -T-5,5 -N > g.cpt
gmt grdview -JX6i -JZ2i -B5 -Bz0.5 -BSEwnZ -N-1+gwhite -Qs -I+a225+nt0.75 -X1.5i \
        -Cg.cpt -R-15/15/-15/15/-1/1 -K -p120/30 > $ps
echo "4.1 5.5 z(r) = cos (2@~p@~r/8) @~\327@~e@+-r/10@+" | gmt pstext -R0/11/0/8.5 -Jx1i \
        -F+f50p,ZapfChancery-MediumItalic+jBC -O >> $ps
rm -f g.cpt

Example showing how to include GMT figures with inline codes